Sunday, June 20, 2010

For A Christian Atmosphere in the Home - prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the way and the truth and the life; and it is by following you that we will most surely find the way to our Father in heaven.

Help me, instructed by you and your example, to create a truly Christian atmosphere in our home.

May there be in all things a deep and true family life in our home – and a family life patterned after the holy family at Nazareth.

May you always be a guest at our activities, our conversations, our recreations – in a home that is truly and meaningfully centered around you.

May your picture and that of your Mother on our walls be treasured reminders of your love for us and a token of our love for you.

May the Word of God, and other books and literature that tell us of you, lead us to a closer knowledge of you and be welcomed and read by every member of the family.

May the thoughts expressed in our home be uncomplaining – as one with your thoughts and those of your holy church.

May there be a deep respect for all things holy, and may my children learn from em and from their father aq love of family prayer and of the sacraments.

May charity of speech reign in our home.

Teach us a tolerance for our neighbors that will be free from all littleness – and free from all prejudice based on race or religion.

May our ways be ever gracious in imitation of your own; and may we show a special regard for the aged, the underprivileged, the handicapped, the infirm.

And, in all the things that I expect of my children and that I want to characterize our home, let me ever be a convincing example. May my words e always words that I may invite you to utter with me; my thoughts always thoughts that I may ask you to think with me; the feelings I make my own ever be feelings I may ask you to entertain with me; may the interpretations and judgments I make be such that I may expect you to share them with me.
So in all things may I, together with my family, be so directed by the inspirations of your grace that we may be completely one in you.
(source unknown)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer, kids and Christ

School's out, and summer is upon us...let the fun begin! What are you doing this summer to keep your family connected to the faith? How can summer be a time of spiritual growth for you and your family? Let's share all of our wonderful ideas!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Welcome to the St. Joseph Christian Parents Group blog!

Welcome to the St. Joseph Christian Parents Group blog, Parents in Christ! Our special six-week session has begun, and we are excited to once again provide a forum for discussing parenting issues from a Catholic Christian perspective.

Today we discussed "Protecting our children from harm." It's comforting to know that we have many resources at our fingertips to ensure the safety of our children and to protect them from harm, physical, mental and spiritual harm. I will upload some materials and resources throughout the next eight weeks. Feel free to review those resources, and post to the blog when you have something to share. Peace be with you and your family.

Your fellow parent in Christ,
Cheryl Lalumandier